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(Answered) BSN 421 – Organizational and Systems Leadership: Assessment Tool


Develop an assessment tool that can be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the change plan once implemented. Discuss the importance of this tool.

Develop an assessment tool that can be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the change plan once implemented. Discuss the importance of this tool . 

Additional Instructions:

  1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  2. Utilize a minimum of three scholarly resources.
  3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.


An assessment tool is essential in evaluating the effectiveness of a change plan within a healthcare setting. The tool must focus on practical and easy-to-understand data when assessing the effectiveness of the change plan. To begin with, it is important to track how many falls occur in the hospital before and after the plan is implemented (Johnston & Magnan, 2019). This will show if the program is working. In this case, recording the number of falls each month will allow the healthcare team to see if the numbers go down to ascertain whether the plan is helping. This approach gives concrete evidence of the… To access full answer, use the purchase button below.

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