For the initial post, address the following:
- What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions?
- How might a topic such as art, literature, music, dance, etc. from other time periods enhance your career and personal life in the present?
- Select one aspect of the humanities that is meaningful to your personal life and one for career. Explain how is each meaningful.
- In addition, include a specific example of a work (a specific work of art, literature, theater, or music) that you feel is meaningful to your personal life and/or career. Explain the connection.
In the field of health, learning humanities makes medical professionals more interested in the patient as a whole rather than solely focusing on the symptoms. To be interested in individuals rather than in their conditions alone medical professionals them to study humanities. Humanities enhance medicine by sharing the focus on humans. Furthermore, they provide insight into some human conditions, suffering, responsibilities to patients, self, and colleagues, professionalism, as well as the perception of oneself (xxx & xxxx, 2018). Therefore,… To access full answer, use the purchase button below.