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500 words for the below topic:
1. Identify and explain the importance of learning as a strategic focus in organizations. Examine the five major components of the strategic training and development process.
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Learning as a strategic focus means a company can learn new strategies, adapt, and implement change. Through strategic focus, a company can carefully scrutinize and align training and development processes with goals and objectives, mission statements, and alternative strategies (Noe, 2017, p. 69). Therefore, strategic focus is important because it enables companies to develop a well-articulated strategy for achieving company goals, mission, and vision statement.
The strategic training and development process has five major components, which are part of developing a business strategy or changing the existing business strategy. The five components include mission statement, goals, strategic choice, external analysis, and internal analysis. The first component is the mission statement, which outlines why a company exists. Company missions vary from one company to another, but they have information concerning customers being served and technology used. The mission statement… To continue reading, click on the button below.