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HSA 540 – Week 1 Discussion

Paper Details

Read the article: Equitable Access to Care — How the United States Ranks Internationally. Review the textbook and evaluate the major stakeholders in the U.S. Healthcare Industry. Identify two of the best ways to involve consumers in healthcare decision-making. Use peer-reviewed journal articles to support your response.


Healthcare Decision-making

The United States is considered a world leader in democracy and economic development. However, the United States’ healthcare ranks behind the country’s peers in economic development, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, and Sweden (Davis & Ballreich, 2014). Importantly, the primary stakeholders in the US healthcare system are insurance companies, patients, healthcare workers, the government, and investors, who include business persons and institutions. The healthcare system in the country is to blame for the country’s underperformance compared to its peers.

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