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L5 Assessment One – Using Research Methods to Investigate Education and Education Settings


You will conduct a comprehensive literature review and use this as a knowledge base to develop a research question or question/s relevant for an academic study in the field of education

Weighting: 50%

You will conduct a comprehensive literature search using appropriate databases and relevant academic resources on an education area you have chosen for research purposes. You will develop a suitable research question/s to align with your literature search. Include at least THREE academic references. You will follow academic writing and APA referencing conventions in the presentation of your work.


Assessment criteria: this assessment will cover learning outcomes 1 and 2.


These express the criteria against which achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed:

  • Expression: proof read, spell checked, grammar and academic expression
  • Content: relevant and accurate literature is included
  • Structure: logical progression between points and sections
  • Referencing: Conforms to APA convention


The office educational technology at the United States’ Department of Education recommends the thoughtful use of technology for early childhood learners. The department argues that technology can facilitate play and promote computational thinking and self-expression of young learners. Approximately 90% of teachers in early childhood education centers in the United States of America (USA) have implemented technology in the classrooms, with 80% of them using iPads and 51% using integrated computers (Office of Educational Technology n.d.). The government encourages application of technology in learning to improve education outcomes for young students. The technology should also strengthen the relationships among children, educators, families, and parents (Office of Educational Technology n.d.). Though the department has invested in a structural framework for implementing technology, research should be conducted to determine the level of technology integration in early childhood centers.  This study will answer the questions below;

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