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(Answered) BIOS255 Week 6 Discussion – Respiratory Anatomy


Choose one of the following topics for your initial post:

Describe the anatomy and histology of the respiratory system and how each of the functions are related.

Describe the events that cause inhalation and exhalation and how Boyle’s law relates to the events.


Describe the events that cause inhalation and exhalation and how Boyle’s law relates to the events.

When a person breaths in, the diaphragm contracts and pulls downwards towards the abdomen. The muscles between the ribs contracts and pull upwards. As a result, the thoracic cavity will increase in size and decrease the pressure inside it. This causes the air to rush inside and fill the lungs. That is inhalation. On the other hand, when a person breaths out, the diaphragm will… To access full answer, click on the purchase button below.

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