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Assessment 2 – Training Needs Assessment

 Relates to your group presentation topic (TRAINING NEEDS
ANALYSIS: Evaluate the methods that may be used by
organisations to undertake job/role level training needs analysis.)
• Individually reflect on the key learning points from your group
presentation topic, in the form of a 1,200-word Reflective Summary.

Required structure:
 Reflection Essay
• Title (please include your group presentation topic)
• Reflection on four key learning points
• List of references
• Identify four key learning points that you wish to focus on in your
reflective summary
• These should be a mixture of: Theoretical learning points:
• What did I learn about the topic of our presentation?
• and
• Presentation planning/design learning points:
• What did I learn about the process of planning and designing the
material and activities for our presentation?


Learning point 1: Conducting Job/Role Level TNA Through Skills Matrix

My group focused on the various methods of conducting a job or role-level training needs assessment. I have chosen to reflect on the approaches of conducting a TNA and their effectiveness in guiding informed training in an organization. Particularly, I am interested in the skills matrix method (Truelove, 2006) because it uses an objective approach to the identification of deficiencies and shortcomings among employees.

At first, I thought it was a complicated process because it focused on employees’ proficiencies. However, after discussing and reading widely about the method, I appreciated that it follows a formal matrix that analyzes the skills vis-à-vis the needs. As presented by Truelove (2006), I found a skills matrix to be effective because it is detailed; it evaluates an employee’s proficiency in specified skills and goes further to identify the employee’s willingness to apply the skills in performing their roles. The approach was outstanding because the matrix is effective in identifying skills gaps that can be addressed through training (Truelove, 2006). However, I was shocked… To continue reading, click on the button below.

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