Analyze the position statement from the International Council of Nurses – B. #1 Cultural and Linguistic Competence. This position statement is the foundation for this project.
Address the following:
- Present the Position Statement.
- Describe why this issue is important to professional nursing practice.
- Analyze at least three scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue.
- Describe legal and ethical implications of the issue using the ANA Code of Ethics (2015) as a framework. View the Code of Ethics for Nurses.
- Summarize how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population.
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of three scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Options for Delivery of Assignment guidelines.
Position Statement
The healthcare system is becoming more diverse in most parts of the world, which has been brought about by increased immigration from people seeking better opportunities. As a result, most healthcare systems find themselves attending to different people from various cultural backgrounds. This makes it difficult to attend to their needs effectively due to language barriers and differing beliefs. Therefore, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has put in place a statement position that aims to help nurses provide care that is culturally and linguistically competent. This means that care should respect the diverse needs of clients, families, and communities. Cultural competence involves …. To access full answer, use the purchase button below.