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(Answer) HIST 1301 – Interpreting the Past: Personal Histories of the Civil War

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Civil War using the primary documents provided.

From the documents provided, create an interpretation of the war. What can be learned from these primary sources about the larger experience of the Civil War? What did the soldiers have in common? What experiences, motivations, troubles, or successes were present in several of the letters?

This assignment should be at least 250 words and contain your reactions or questions about some specific issue within the historical narrative which you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed.


Soldiers who participated in the civil war had different experiences. They had devastating experiences because the civil war seemed a dangerous war compared to the Vietnam War. History records that a soldier was 13 times likely to die in the civil war than in other wars such as the Vietnam War (Kelly). The introduction of improved weaponry made the civil war more lethal than other wars. The soldiers used the con-shaped bullets that… To continue reading, click on the purchase button below

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