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(Answer) SOCS185N – Week 2 Quiz


Question 1

Which of the following is TRUE about a total institution?

  • It refers to a place where people come under the control of officials who run the institution.
  • It refers to a place where people are isolated for a set period of time.
  • It refers to a place where people are isolated from the rest of the society
  • All of these
  • It is a term or phrase coined by Erving Goffman.

Question 2

Which of the following is not an example of a person experiencing a new status as a result of voluntary resocialization?

  • A student
  • A sister
  • An employee
  • A religious convert
  • A retiree

Question 3

Which is the correct order of the stages of human development in Jean Paiget’s model?

  • Formal operation, concrete operational, preoperational, and sensorimotor
  • Preoperational, post operational, concrete operational, and formal operational
  • Sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, and post operational
  • Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational
  • Formal operational, concrete operational, preoperational, and sensorimotor

Question 4

Arty Fischel is an excellent Chamberlain University nursing student, but is also unable to devote enough time to family. Arty is experiencing _______

  • Real conflict
  • Role strain
  • Role over
  • Role ambiguity
  • Role exit

Question 5

When Charles Horton Cooley used the term “the looking-glass self” he was referring to the fact that __________

  • We see our parents in ourselves
  • People are narcissistic
  • If you break your “self,” you will have seven years bad luck
  • Our children are a reflection of ourselves
  • People see themselves as they believe others see them

Question 6

If a person believes that human behavior results only from learning and has no genetic component, that position is the fundamental opposite of ________

  • Interactionists
  • Social psychologists
  • Sociobiologists
  • H. Mead
  • Structural functionalists

Question 7

Sociologist Peter Berger explained that part of the sociological imagination included seeing “the general in the particular,” and by that he meant

  • The exact same thing as the strange in the familiar
  • That we are all part of our cellular particles
  • Getting caught up in the smaller details and not seeing the bigger picture
  • That we should set aside our cultural expectations before judging another group
  • That sociologists can use observations of individual behavior to generalize about group behavior

Question 8

Diffusion is the transmission of cultural items or social practices from one group or society to another through such means as;

  • The media
  • Tourism
  • All of these
  • Exploration
  • War

Question 9

Norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance are __________

  • Mores
  • S’mores
  • Forkways
  • Nationways
  • Stateways

Question 10

Judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture is ___________; while judging any culture by its own standards is ______________.

  • Egocentrism; ethnocentrism
  • Cultural relativism; ethnocentrism
  • Ethnocentrism; cultural relativism
  • Ethnocentrism; methnocentrism
  • Androcentrism; ethnocentrism


Question 1

Which of the following is TRUE about a total institution?

  • It refers to a place where people come under the control of officials who run the institution.
  • It refers to a place where people are isolated for a set period of time.
  • It refers to a place where people are isolated from the rest of the society
  • All of these
  • It is a term or phrase coined by Erving Goffman.

Correct Answer: All of these

Question 2

Which of the following is not an example of a person experiencing a new status as a result of voluntary resocialization?

  • A student
  • A sister
  • An employee
  • A religious convert
  • A retiree

Correct Answer: ,,,

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