Step 1: Reflect on your community and review the Week 1 Practicum Project Health Promotion Topics and Resources documentLinks to an external site. to select a specific topic (i.e. firearm safety, rather than injury prevention).
Step 2: Select a topic that is a health concern in your community. This topic will be used for your Practicum Project throughout the course. See the Apply My Learning at the bottom of Week 1 Explore Page 2 for an example.
Step 3: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: Describe your selected topic. Provide a rationale for your topic selection and explain how you determined that it is a significant concern within your community.
Paragraph two: Use the Week 1 Practicum Project Health Promotion Topics and Resources documentLinks to an external site. to review the resources associated with your topic. Explain why professional organizations view the selected issue as a community health concern. Cite at least one outside scholarly source in this paragraph as evidence.
Paragraph three: Describe how the social determinants of health impact your selected topic. Provide two examples.
References: Provide complete references for all citations.
For this discussion, I selected xxxx. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year more than 20% of Americans have an xxx. The problem is more pronounced among young people 15-24 year more than 45% of them contract an xxx every year (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024). In that case, the CDC projects that 1 in every 5 sexually active people will contract an xxx by the time they are 25 years. Beyond the statistics, xxx is a major problem in the community because young people are engaging in xxx for fun and because of peer pressure. Their only concern or fear is not to get pregnant. In the long run, there has been a rise in xxx cases as evident in the statistics that between 2020 and 2023, xxx among youths (15-24) have increased by 4.8% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024)… To access full answer, use the purchase button below to proceed.