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(Answered) NR 583 NP – Emerging Technologies Paper (ASST 6)


Visit the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Healthcare IT NewsLinks to an external site. homepage.

Select an article published within the past 6 months related to artificial intelligence or precision medicine.  

  1. Use Microsoft Word most current version to complete the assignment. Submit as a .doc or .docx file.   
  2. Write 1-2 total pages (excluding title and reference pages).     
  3. Follow APA current edition rules for grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation consistent with formal, scholarly writing.  
  4. Include in-text citations and matching references in APA current edition format.   
  5. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy. 

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric): 

  1. Summarize the article. Identify and define the emerging technology described in the article. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. 
  2. Describe your intended area of practice. Provide an example of how the emerging technology could be used in your future area of nursing practice. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. 
  3. Identify potential legal, ethical, and client safety concerns related to the emerging technology. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. 
  4. Describe strategies to mitigate the identified concerns. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. 
  5. Identify whether you support the use of the technology in healthcare. Provide a rationale for why or why not.  Reflect on how the knowledge will improve your effectiveness as an advanced practice nurse.  


The article describes an interview that was conducted with Hadassah Backman, an RN and chief executive officer of Guardoc, a clinical data integrity company. The article describes how artificial intelligence could be applied to enhance documentation in nursing, thus, minimizing human-caused errors and improving overall quality of care. In the interview, Backman argues that AI can help alleviate digital workloads to ensure nurses concentrate on the quality of patient care (Fox, 2024). She argued that AI can cross-check charting work, improve the accuracy of patient data, and flag down issues that require to be addressed (Fox, 2024). Through the use of AI, charting errors … To access full answer, use the purchase button below.

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