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Anatomy and Physiology 2 – Exam 3 – Chapter 23 – 25


Question 1

The right lung has ________ and the left lung has________.

  • three lobes; three lobes
  • four lobes; three lobes
  • three lobes; two lobes
  • two lobes; three lobes

Question 2 

A blood clot blocking flow through the liver might cause a condition in which the blood pressure in the liver is impacted, this is called

  • indigestion.
  • jaundice.
  • liver cancer
  • portal hypertension.

Question 3 

The coordinated contractions of the muscularis externa in the small intestine play a vital role in the movement of materials along the tract, through 

  • peristalsis.
  • eccentric
  • concentric
  • mixing

Question 4 

The pancreatic duct extends within the attached mesentery to reach the duodenum, where it meets the _____________________ from the liver and gallbladder

  • large intestine
  • mediastinum
  • common bile duct
  • hepatic portal system

Question 5 

The complete catabolism of one molecule of glucose provides a typical body cell a net gain of ________ molecules of ATP.

  • 36
  • 26
  • 6
  • 100

Question 6 

The strategy of eating starchy foods for several days before an athletic event is known as

  • carbohydrate loading.
  • overeating.
  • anorexia.
  • the Atkins diet.

Question 7 

Which of the following IS NOT a fat soluble vitamin?

  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • vitamin D

Question 8 

Lipogenesis can use almost any organic substrate, because lipids, amino acids, and carbohydrates can be converted to ______________. 

  • ADP
  • electron transport chain
  • ATP
  • Acetyl-CoA

Question 9 

This phase of gastric secretion is directed by the CNS, prepares the stomach to receive food.

  • intestinal phase
  • gastric phase
  • metabolic phase
  • cephalic phase

Question 10 

The citric acid cycle is an aerobic process because

  • citric acid molecules have oxygen atoms.
  • ADP is phosphorylated.
  • FADH2 is produced.
  • oxygen is needed to remove carbon atoms as carbon dioxide.

Question 11 

Material arriving from the ileum of the small intestine, first enters an expanded pouch called the ________.

  • cecum
  • rectum
  • appendix
  • transverse colon

Question 12 

Match the gastric phase on the left with the correct description on the right:

  • intestinal phase
  • gastric phase
  • cephalic phase

Question 13 

Where all gas exchange between air and blood takes place in the lungs:

  • bronchi
  • trachea.
  • blood vessels.
  • alveoli

Question 14 

This is also known as the throat, it is a chamber shared by the digestive and respiratory systems.

  • trachea
  • pharynx
  • esophagus
  • larynx

Question 15 

The part of a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves is the

  • enamel
  • pulp cavity
  • dentin
  • cement

Question 16 

The movement of nutrients from the digestive tract lumen across the epithelium walls of the small intestine (villi & micro villi)

  • ingestion.
  • chemical digestion.
  • secretion.
  • absorption.

Question 17 

____________ is the modification of sounds by voluntary movements of other structures such as tongue length, teeth, and lips to form words.

  • respiration
  • phonation.
  • articulation
  • digestion

Question 18

This is a condition in which there is a compromise in the blood air barrier and develops an infection within the lung, this results in the lung (s) filling with fluid.

  • common cold
  • sinus infection
  • pneumonia
  • gastritis

Question 19 

The stomach is different from other digestive organs in that it

  • has folds in the mucosa.
  • has three layers of muscle in the muscularis externa.
  • secretes thyroid hormones.
  • secretes pancreatic juice.

Question 20 

The part of the small intestine most likely to develop an ulcer from exposure to gastric juice is the

  • ileum.
  • jejunum.
  • gall bladder.
  • duodenum.

Question 21 

The portion of the small intestine that attaches to the cecum is the

  • duodenum.
  • appendix.
  • jejunum.
  • ileum.

Question 22 

The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the

  • large intestine.
  • colon.
  • small intestine.
  • stomach.

Question 23 

The absorption of nutrients from food is called _____________. 

  • energy
  • absorption
  • nutrition
  • digestion

Question 24 

The enzyme pepsin digests _____________ in the stomach.

  • fat.
  • carbohydrates.
  • proteins.
  • lipids.

Question 25 

The ____________________ is areolar tissue that supports the respiratory epithelium as it changes structure along the respiratory tract.

  • lamina propria
  • pharynx
  • conchae
  • nasal vestibule

Question 26 

__________________ is an enzyme that breaks down certain starches, it is almost identical to salivary amylase.

  • malt
  • pancreatic amylase
  • lipase.
  • pepsin

Question 27 

Muscles known as the pharyngeal constrictors in the pharynx function in

  • moving the tongue.
  • mastication.
  • swallowing.
  • spitting.

Question 28 

A blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands would

  • cause excessive saliva.
  • interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth.
  • prevent emulsification of lipids.
  • cause mumps.

Question 29 

The dangling process that aids in keeping food out of the nasopharynx is known as the

  • hard palate.
  • tongue.
  • uvula.
  • tonsil.

Question 30 

_________________ is the sound production at the larynx

  • phonation
  • respiration
  • articulation
  • snoring

Question 31 

A condition that increases lung compliance and ultimately decreases lung capacity.

  • emphysema.
  • hypoventilation
  • hyperventilation.
  • cirrhosis.

Question 32 

During inhalation, air continues to move into the lungs until

  • the lungs recoil.
  • the internal pressure is the same is atmospheric pressure.
  • the compliance of the lung decreases.
  • the internal pressure is less than atmospheric pressure.

Question 33 

Surfactant is produced by what cell type in the alveolus?

  • alveoli
  • smooth muscle cells
  • alveolar macrophages
  • pneumocytes Type II

Question 34 

When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,

  • the volume of the thorax increases resulting in inhalation.
  • the lungs shrink.
  • expiration occurs.
  • the volume of the lungs decreases.

Question 25 

The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the

  • blood air barrier of the alveoli.
  • atria of the heart
  • terminal bronchioles.
  • bronchioles.

Question 36 

Children have slender, short vocal cords so their voices tend to be

  • screechy.
  • low pitch.
  • deep.
  • higher pitched.

Question 37 

Which bone does not form part of the walls of the nasal cavity?

  • sphenoid
  • vomer
  • maxilla
  • mandible

Question 38 

The most common unit of measurement for measuring pulmonary pressures is

  • centigrade.
  • psi.
  • torr.
  • mm Hg.

Question 39 

Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the

  • nares.
  • upper respiratory tract.
  • trachea
  • pneumothorax.

Question 40 

The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant collapse of alveoli is

  • respiratory distress syndrome.
  • shortness of breath.
  • heart attack.
  • pulmonary edema.

Question 41 

Increasing the alveolar ventilation rate will

  • do nothing.
  • decrease the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli.
  • cause hyperventilation
  • hardly affect either the partial pressure or diffusion of gases.

Question 42 

For maximum loading of hemoglobin with oxygen at the lungs, the

  • O2 levels should abnormally high.
  • the pH should be 14
  • O2 levels should be as high as possible.
  • pH should be slightly acidic.

Question 43 

The end products of aerobic respiration (Krebs cycle) are

  • carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
  • carbon dioxide and alcohol.
  • oxygen and water.
  • nothing.

Question 44 

Factors that influence an individual’s BMR (basal metabolic rate) include all of the following EXCEPT:

  • gender
  • genetics
  • age
  • physical exertion

Question 45 

Which of the following is NOT a way to conserve or generate heat?

  • nonshivering thermogenesis
  • release of thyroxine to increase body temperature
  • increasing the depth of respirations
  • shivering thermogenesis

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