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(Answer) HIST 1301 – Interpreting the Past: Alien and Sedition Acts

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: Why was it passed? Do you think it was constitutional? What was the Democratic- Republican response to the Alien and Sedition Act? How did the Federalists and the Democratic- Republicans differ regarding criticism of the government and freedom of speech and the press?

This assignment should be at least 250 words and contain your reactions or questions about some specific issue within the historical narrative which you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed.


Rumors about the French invasion in American frightened most Americans, and President Adams sent a warning that foreign influence in America was dangerous and should be exterminated. The French invasion rumors led the Federalist majority in Congress to pass several laws in 1798 to make America safe from domestic traitors and enemies. The Federalists passed the aliens and sedition act. The bill prohibited publishing or making utterances about the government that was ‘false, malicious, and scandalous’ to bring the president or Congress into… To continue reading, click on the purchase button below.

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