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(Answer) HIST410 – Week 6 Discussion: Epic Changes in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 14, 15
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

For the initial post, address one of the following:

Option 1: Middle East
Examine the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict from its beginnings some 4000 years ago and how it has evolved/devolved over the centuries to the current time? Analyze the role of the Balfour Declaration on Israel’s rebirth in 1948 and its effectiveness in helping Jewish people in their quest to reclaim their ancient homeland.

Option 2: African Nation State Development
Examine some of the main (internal or external) reasons why the African people were to develop into nation states later than most experts feel was appropriate/normal. Examine the role of European imperial powers in African nation state development.


Was Africa’s independence achieved later than other continents due to the severity and implementation of colonial rule? Or were the people of Africa simply their own enemy? With a society too diverse to utilize nationalism and land too rural to thrive from the Industrial Revolution? Because of how diverse and divided Africa already was, colonial rule impacted all areas of the continent differently, benefitting some states while simultaneously hurting others (Duiker, 2015). South Africa and Algeria, for example, were the main beneficiaries of colonial rule, being the only states to successfully develop modern industrial sectors, complex railway networks,…. To access full answer, click on the purchase button below.

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