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(Answer) Microbiology – Critical Thinking Questions W3

Directions for the students:

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them with thorough substantive responses. Citations are required for all responses. There is no time limit.


  1. Precisely what is microbial death?
  2. Why does a population of microbes not die instantaneously when exposed to an antimicrobial agent?
  3. Explain what is wrong with this statement: “Prior to vaccination, the patient’s skin was sterilized with alcohol.” What would be a more correct wording?
  4. Conduct additional research on the use of triclosan and other chemical agents on whether this process should continue, providing evidence and citations to support your stance.


Question 1

Microbial death refers to the permanent loss of the ability of microorganisms to reproduce. It occurs when the cell structures of the microorganism have been compromised to an extent that they become dysfunctional. As a result, antimicrobial treatment can be used to effectively kill the entire population constantly. Microbial death must take place when creating uniform disinfection procedure whose purpose is to enhance sterilization process (Cowan & Smith, 2018). Therefore, it is evident that there are three main characteristics of microbial death. If the microorganisms can still reproduce, it will be impossible to kill the entire population. That is because the new microorganisms will grow and produce more. Therefore, it will be difficult to use an …. To access full answer (100% correct), use the purchase button below.

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