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Question 1 

Presented the concept of God as a combination of “idealized human traits”

  • Ralph Otto
  • Carl Jung
  • Ludwig Feuerbach
  • Sigmund Freud

 Question 2 

The “Nine Great manifestations” in the Baha’i faith include:

  • Zoroaster, Buddha, and the Bab
  • Lao Tzu, The Bab, and the Baha’ullah
  • Abraham, Buddha, and Confucius
  • Moses, Lao Tzu, and Jesus

Question 3 

Neo-Kharijites Muslims believe that

  • Most of the Muslim world is apostate but they are still authentically Muslims
  • Physical force is often necessary in order to clear the way for pure Islam
  • Allah is the One True God and but they do not believe in physical force in order to clear the way for pure Islam
  • Most Muslims are authentically Muslims

Question 4 

Judaism is primarily concerned with

  • Both a and c
  • Following the Mishnah
  • Jewish Doctrines and Keeping of the Law
  • A prescription for living

 Question 5 

The successor of Baha’ullah was

  • The Bab
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Abbas Effendi
  • Shoghi Effendi

Question 6 

A symbolic approach to religion was advanced by

  • Sigmund Freud and Ralph Otto
  • Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
  • Sigmund Freud and Mircea Eliade
  • Mircea Eliade and Carl Jung

Question 7 

In Hinduism there are almost no restrictions on personal beliefs, but in order to qualify as a Hindu religion—a religion has to

  • Regard the Vedas as divinely inspired, accept the caste system, and respect the veneration of various levels of deities and spirits.
  • Regard the Vedas as divinely inspired, accept the caste system, adhere to monotheism
  • Accept the caste system, respect the veneration of various levels of deities and spirits except the protection of cows
  • Regard the Vedas as divinely inspired, accept the caste system, and maintain a strict diet of only vegetables and no beef.

Question 8 

The five vows of Jainism include

  • Ahimsa, truth telling, eradicating all fleshly desires, attachment
  • Ahimsa, attachment, and abstaining from theft
  • Ahimsa, truth telling,  and attachment
  • Ahimsa, truth telling, eradicating all fleshly desires

Question 9 

Most arguments for pluralism fall into two main categories which are:

  • Reductionism and universalism
  • Theocentrism and obfuscation
  • Inclusivism and universalism
  • Reductionism and obfuscation

Question 10

The name of the chief God in Zoroaster’s religion that he founded is

  • Ahura Mazda
  • YHWH
  • Marduk
  • Zeus

Question 11 

The five pillars of Islam are:

  • Shahada, salat, sawm, zakat, & hajj
  • Confession, prayer, fasting, jihad, and pilgrimage
  • Confession, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and shahada
  • Shahada, salat, jihad, zakat, & hajj

Question 12 

In witnessing to a Hindu one should

  • Mention that Jesus is an excellent example of an avatar just like Krishna
  • Contextualize the biblical message in terms of the Hindu religion and not the Indian culture
  • Take your Hindu friend to see the movie “Avatar,” and then go to Starbucks to discuss similarities between Christianity and Hinduism while the topic is still fresh on your friend’s mind and heart
  • Contextualize the biblical message in terms of Indian culture and not the Hindu religion

Question 13 

In the Baha’i Faith the name Baha’ullah means the “Glory of God.”

  • True
  • False

Question 14 

All forms of Judaism (including the liberalizing movements) are ultimately variations of rabbinic orthodoxy.

  • True
  • False

Question 15 

The Muslim Faith is based on the lunar calendar.

  • True
  • False

Question 16 

Zoroastrianism is the ancient religion of SE Asia.

  • True
  • False

Question 17

The stages in the evolution of religion include Mana, animism, polytheism, henotheism, monotheism, and unknown.

  • True
  • False

Question 18 

In the Bahia Faith there have been eight great manifestations of religious leaders.

  • True
  • False

Question 19 

Reform Judaism considers the Talmud the standard of Judaism and Orthodox Jewish practice is binding.

  • True
  • False

Question 20

Reform Judaism is characterized by a balance of adhering to law while adapting to the culture.

  • True
  • False

Question 21

Zoroastrianism has a collection of holy Scriptures called the Bhagavad Gita

  • True
  • False

Question 22 

The religion of Zoroastrianism is an example of a polytheistic faith.

  • True
  • False

Question 23 

Sikhism grew out of an attempt to create harmony between both Islam and Buddhism.

  • True
  • False

Question 24

Qutbism originated out of the writings of Osama Bin Laden.

  • True
  • False

Question 25 

In its present form The Qur’an is pretty much as it had been when collated by Uthman.

  • True
  • False

Question 26 

Narayan is another name for Shiva.

  • True
  • False

Question 28

Buddhism and Jainism may be referred to as “heretical” schools of Hinduism

  • True
  • False

Question 28 

Sikhism founded in SE Asia is a polytheistic faith with a wide pantheon of gods.

  • True
  • False

Question 29 

Because the Baha’ullah was a peace loving man he accepted contemporary Judaism as true.

  • True
  • False

Question 30

Zoroaster promoted in Zoroastrianism the system of animal sacrifice.

  • True
  • False


Question 1 

Presented the concept of God as a combination of “idealized human traits”

  • Ralph Otto
  • Carl Jung
  • Ludwig Feuerbach
  • Sigmund Freud

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