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(Answered) From Enlightenment to Mediating Theology Quiz


Question 1

Who said, “The Rock of Ages is more important than the age of a rock”?

  • Bernard Ramm
  • James Ussher
  • Henry Emerson Fosdick
  • William Jennings Bryan

Question 2 

Which of the following philosophers’ work was essentially a rebellion against the strict form of Presbyterianism/Calvinism of his youth?

  • Georg Wilhelm Friederich Hegel
  • David Hume
  • Immanuel Kant
  • John Locke

Question 3 

Which philosopher suggested that the human mind is a blank slate when born, and the only thing people know is what they experience?

  • Immanuel Kant
  • John Locke
  • René Descartes

Question 4 

Which philosopher is best known for seeing the existence of doubt as the ultimate proof of people’s existence?

  • Immanuel Kant
  • John Locke
  • René Descartes

Question 5 

How does Olson describe the relationship between modernism and liberalism?

  • Liberalism is a maximum acknowledgement of the claims of modernism.
  • Liberalism is a moderate acknowledgement of the claims of modernism.
  • Liberalism is a minimum acknowledgement of the claims of modernism.

Question 6 

Of which philosophy was Thomas Reid a representative?

  • Common Sense Realism
  • Idealism
  • Rationalism
  • Romanticism
  • Skepticism

Question 7 

Which philosopher claimed that human thought and culture evolves in a pattern of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis?

  • Georg Wilhelm Friederich Hegel
  • David Hume
  • Immanuel Kant
  • John Locke

Question 8 

Which of the following adopted a dualist, accommodation model for understanding the relationship between science and theology?

  • Bernard Ramm
  • James Ussher
  • Henry Emerson Fosdick
  • William Jennings Bryan

Question 9 

Which of the following statements best describes Horace Bushnell’s concept of God and deity of Jesus Christ?

  • God exists eternally as 1 God in 3 persons, and Jesus is fully God.
  • God does not exist eternally as 1 God in 3 persons, but Jesus is fully God.
  • God exists eternally as 1 God in 3 persons, but Jesus is not fully God.
  • God does not exist eternally as 1 God in 3 persons, and Jesus is not fully God.

Question 10 

Which of the following statements best describes I. A. Dorner’s concept of the immutability of God?

  • Things necessary to His essence and actions do not change.
  • Things necessary to His essence don’t change, but things necessary to His actions change.
  • Things necessary to His essence change, but things necessary to His actions do not change.
  • Things necessary to His essence and actions change.

Question 11 

Which of the following liberal theologians emphasizes that true religion is a matter of universal human Gefühl (feeling)?

  • Adolf Harnack
  • Albrecht Ritschl
  • Friedrich Schleiermacher
  • Walter Rauschenbusch

Question 12 

Which of the following was considered a “vehemently suspect of heresy” by the Roman Catholic Church?

  • Copernicus
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • William of Ockham

Question 13 

Which Deist subtly underminded orthodox Christianity by insisting that no one should (or even could) believe that which is ultimately mysterious?

  • Edward Herbert
  • John Toland
  • Matthew Tindal
  • Thomas Jefferson

Question 14 

According to Olson, how did Albrecht Ritchl distinguish science from religion?

  • Religion is one of the sciences.
  • Religion is done best when it is done with a scientific-like method.
  • Science deals with theory, and religion deals with values.
  • Science deals with facts, and religion deals with theories.

Question 15 

Which Deist rejected special revelation, claiming that what can be known to Christians can be known as well by the rational religion of nature?

  • Edward Herbert
  • John Toland
  • Matthew Tindal
  • Thomas Jefferson

Question 16 

When Pope Pius IX produced the “Syllabus of Errors,” he was intending to:

  • Criticize modernist thought that challenged Catholic orthodoxy.
  • Encourage Catholic scholars to modernize their theological methods.
  • Condemn Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses.
  • Provide an honest assessment of papal theological errors in church history

Question 17 

According to Dr. Cleaver’s video for week #2, how did Friedrich Schleiermacher handle the problem of evil?

  • God’s infiniteness requires Him to be the cause of everything, even evil.
  • God is perfectly good and powerful, but free will allows for humanly-caused evil.
  • God is so infinite that He cannot be known by human minds, so we don’t know.

Question 18 

Which of the following harbored doubts about the deity of Christ and the Trinity?

  • Copernicus
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • William of Ockham

Question 19 

According to Olson, what did Adolf Harnack mean by “the kingdom of God and its coming”?

  • A future bodily return of Jesus to rule the earth
  • A social order within history ruled by love
  • The death of Christ on the cross

Question 20 

Which view of the atonement did Horace Bushnell take?

  • Governmental Theory: Jesus suffered and died to uphold God’s righteousness.
  • Moral Example Theory: Jesus set a good example for our unconditional obedience.
  • Penal Theory: God punished Jesus in our place.

Question 21 

According to Olson, what did Albrecht Ritchl believe about the deity of Christ?

  • Jesus is God, fully God, and has been so eternally.
  • Jesus’ divinity was a vocation God gave Jesus to fulfill his kingdom mission.
  • Jesus was God in eternity past and future but not during his life on earth.

 Question 22

According to Dr. Cleaver’s video, among Berliners, Friedrich Schleiermacher was known as the best __________ of his generation.

  • Evangelist
  • Preacher
  • Teacher
  • Writer

Question 23 

What was the “social crisis” in Walter Rauschenbusch’s best-known work, Christianity and the Social Crisis?

  • Gender Bias
  • Illiteracy
  • Poverty
  • Racism

Question 24 

Which of the following would Søren Kierkegaard most likely say?

  • “Philosophy will get you nowhere; theology will get you everywhere.”
  • “Pursue an impersonal, objective, rational path to God.”
  • “The church is messed up; just have a personal relationship with God.”
  • “What the majority of society believes about God is what is real.”

Question 25 

According to I. A. Dorner, which doctrine was the main problem left unresolved by Protestant Reformers?

  • The Doctrine of Divine Revelation/the Word of God
  • The Doctrine of God
  • The Doctrine of Humanity
  • The Doctrine of Salvation.


Question 1

Who said, “The Rock of Ages is more important than the age of a rock”?

  • Bernard Ramm
  • James Ussher
  • Henry Emerson Fosdick
  • William Jennings Bryan

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