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Question 1 

Stanley Grenz taught that evangelical theology should be an ongoing conversation between what three things?

  • The Bible, Historical Theology, and Contemporary Culture
  • God, Self, and the Church
  • Theologians, Philosophers, and Historians
  • The Transcendence of God, the Immanence of God, and the Revelation of God

Question 2 

What does “womanist theology” oppose?

  • Failure to re-establish traditional hierarchy among races and genders
  • Oppression of black women by black men and white people
  • Oppression of white men by white women and black people

Question 3 

Rosemary Radford Ruether’s main problem with the orthodox view of God was that it was too:

  • Dualistic and Hierarchical
  • Neat and Orderly
  • Traditional and Conservative

Question 4 

What seemed to be the driving force behind Reinhold Niebuhr’s theology?

  • Prioritizing spiritualism over religion
  • Rediscovering the joy of salvation
  • Solving social problems

Question 5 

According to Carl F. H. Henry, how important is the doctrine of biblical inerrancy?

  • Not important: The Bible has too many obvious errors to be called inerrant.
  • Somewhat important: The Bible is authoritative but not perfect.
  • Very important: Christianity’s recent failures are due to straying from inerrancy.
  • Absolutely important: You can’t be a Christian unless you confess inerrancy.

Question 6 

Olson considers Thomas J. J. Altizer as the leading exponent of:

  • Christian Atheism
  • Infinite Finiteness
  • Secular Sacredness
  • Theistic Evolution

Question 7 

Which postmodernist author argued that the natural sciences do not operate by pure evidence and reason alone?

  • Jacques Derrida
  • Jean-François Lyotard
  • Peter Berger
  • Thomas Kuhn

Question 8 

Optimism regarding the human capabilities of the mind and reason is the hallmark of:

  • Modernism
  • Postmodernism

Question 9 

According to Olson, the main difference between the older liberal theologians and the neo-liberals was focused on the:

  • Doctrine of Revelation
  • Global Perspective of Theology
  • Problem of Evil

Question 10 

Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Trinitarian anthropology was based on an interdependence between men, women, and:

  • God
  • Nature
  • Mind
  • Universe

Question 11 

What was Rudolf Bultmann’s view on biblical miracles?

  • They were historical events but not spiritual events.
  • They were merely myths that explained how humans saw their lives.
  • They were visions and dreams revealed by God but not historical events.

Question 12 

Whom does Olson see as the main founder of Latin American Liberation Theology?

  • Gustavo Gutierrez
  • Jose Miranda
  • Juan Segundo

Question 13 

Karl Barth understood the “Word of God” to mean one of three things. Which was the primary, or foremost, form among them?

  • Gospel as preached by the church
  • Jesus as the focus of God’s activity
  • The Scriptures

Question 14 

According to the theology and philosophy of Paul Tillich, which of the following is higher and more perfect?

  • Essence
  • Existence

Question 15 

What was the main focus of the sharp debate between Karl Barth and Emil Brunner?

  • How much can be known about God through Natural Revelation
  • The manner and mode of Jesus’ Second Coming
  • Theories of the Atonement
  • Whether Jesus is fully God, fully man or both

Question 16 

According to Dr. Cleaver’s video, Albert North Whitehead saw God as “di-polar” or:

  • Alpha and Omega
  • Now and Not Yet
  • Ontological and Active
  • Primordial and Consequential

Question 17 

Which black theologian/activist of the 1960s said, “no one can be nonviolent in an unjust

  • James Cone
  • Malcom X
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

Question 18 

Which of the following was not among Christian philosopher, Alan Padgett’s, list of 4 typical Christian responses to postmodernism?

  • Best Buddy
  • Bogeyman
  • Ostrich
  • Vulture

Question 19

Which of the following does Olson refer to as the father/founder of modern existentialism, who exerted a great influence on Neo-Orthodox theology?

  • Gabriel Marcel
  • Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Martin Heidigger
  • Søren Kierkegaard

Question 20 

What is the one real thing in the universe according to process theologians?

  • God
  • The physical substance of the universe
  • The event that happening in any given place at any given time
  • Light

Question 21

Which of the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) did Karl Barth reject?

  • Total Depravity
  • Unconditional Election
  • Limited Atonement
  • Irresistible Grace
  • Perseverance of the Saints

Question 22

According to Olson, what is distinct about Carl F. H. Henry’s epistemology?

  • Evidentialism
  • Fideism
  • Presuppositionalism
  • Subjectivism

Question 23 

Olson describes modern process theologian John Cobb’s Christology as:

  • Exemplified Christology: Jesus set a good example for us of what is universally divine.
  • Ecumenical Christology: Commonly-held beliefs about Christ are most likely true.
  • Economic Christology: Jesus was the middle mode between the former Father and the future Spirit.

 Question 24

Which slogan best summarizes Barth’s theological method?

  • Experience Leading to Knowledge
  • Faith Seeking Understanding
  • Living Resulting in Believing
  • Particulars Learning from Universals

Question 25 

What is postliberal theologian Stanley Hauerwas’s view on Christian social action?

  • Nonviolence is essential to our understanding of God.
  • Participation in protests is a form of theological dialog.
  • Proper doctrine precedes proper social actions.


Question 1 

Stanley Grenz taught that evangelical theology should be an ongoing conversation between what three things?

  • The Bible, Historical Theology, and Contemporary Culture
  • God, Self, and the Church
  • Theologians, Philosophers, and Historians
  • The Transcendence of God, the Immanence of God, and the Revelation of God

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