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ARTH 334 7384 – Week Four, Topic 1

Watch a Western or a Musical film made in the last 30 years. It cannot be from the genre that your favorite movie is from (the film you told us was your favorite in week one).

What does it have in common with the films of that genre in the week Four content? How is the film different?

How does Cinematography or Special Effects play a part in the film you watched? Identify at least three places that one of these stood out in the film.


For this assignment, I choose the movie Tombstone. It was directed and released in 1993. I had not watched the movie before, but I was referred to watch it because it’s an interesting film. The director of this particular film was George P. Cosmatos, who also produced films such as Cobra 1986 and Rambo.. To access full answer, click on the purchase button below.


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