Paper Details
Apply project management methods to achieve a process change.
Your assessment assignment is to apply PMBOK concepts to enable a business
process change to occur based on your chosen scenario from the topics below.
Choose one of the following topics:
-A retirement home wants to acquire self-drive vehicles to enable their elderly
residents to shop around the corner from the retirement home.
-A Hospice Care facility wants to introduce robots to converse with patients and relay
and complete simple patient requests.
-A building manufacturer wants to institute virtual reality tours in 3D for clients coming
into their offices to save on gas and time.
-You can identify a business process change at your current or former employer. You
will be responsible for maintaining the organizational information confidential.
• Select one specific activity to be performed within the process change and explain the
process (Ex: For a rebranding of a toothpaste you might specify the decision making
process used to determine how to repackage the product.)
• Explain where that selected activity would be performed within the organization and
who would perform the task and manage it, measure it, and evaluate task completion.
Make sure you separate out the information requested. Do not place the information
in a large block paragraph.
• Delineate and describe the differences between measuring human performance and
task completion.
• Describe how Six Sigma would be used to evaluate, measure, and encourage
continuous improvement concerning the scenario topic you chose.
• Provide an original fishbone diagram that addresses one risk, a potential defect, or a
problem that may result from the change which may impact goal attainment.
• Explain the value of your fishbone diagram as a visual representation.
• Your response to these questions should be in an essay format with correct spelling
and grammar and 3–5 pages in length not including a title page and references page.
Your Word document should follow APA format and citation style using Standard
English and correct spelling and grammar.
Hospice care offers support to people who are in the final stage of a terminal illness. It focuses on the quality of life and comfort and not cure like in the other types of care. The primary goal of hospice care is to enable terminally ill patients to live a comfortable life that is free of pain. That way, they will enjoy each day without the worry that they are in the final stages of a terminal illness. Offering hospice care requires dedicated and qualified staff to handle each patient throughout their day. In this regard, the employees in a health care facility must maintain contact with the patient throughout the day, considering that the patients require individualized attention.
The patients on hospice care facilities require qualified personnel on their side to converse with them and fulfill their requests. However, the limitation of human resources coupled with an increased number of patients seeking hospice care creates a challenge on the quality of care that is offered in the facilities. The development of technology is offering a solution to the problem through robots that use artificial intelligence and can, thus, converse with patients. The robots can also understand and complete simple patient requests. The hospice care facility will be implementing a project of using robots to aid in the care. The project will entail procuring the robots based on the number of beds in the facility, and entrenching their use by training staff and guiding patients. Through the project, each bed in the facility will have an accompanying robot and patients will be initiated into using the robot when they are admitted.
Implementing the Project
The project of installing robots in a hospice care facility will be performed in the care department. Importantly, the department is headed by… To continue reading, click on the button below.