Would your problem identified in week 2 discussion lend itself to a qualitative or quantitative design? What level of evidence (research design) would best address the problem? Explain your answer.
The problem I identified in week 2 discussion relates to patient safety culture. It is an expansive topic and it touches on quality indicators in nursing homes. The problem/issue would lead to a qualitative research design. Notably, qualitative research design involves finding answers on the ‘how and why’ of a phenomenon under investigation (Rebar & Gersch, 2015). It involves seeking opinions from best suited persons, thus, making it subjective. Its findings are in prose format because they involve explanations on issues relating to the phenomenon under investigation. Thy problem falls under qualitative it will involve explanations about quality indicators in nursing homes and possibly how that affects the patient safety culture. The study participants will enumerate the quality indicators they are using and the impact that has on the overall quality of care and patient safety….. Purchase full answer using the button below.