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PSYU 304 Week 7 Discussion

This week we will be discussing surveys. You can either discuss a survey you have taken in the past, or you can find a survey on the Internet and take that survey. Then answer the following questions:
  1. What topic did the survey cover?
  2. How long did the survey take?
  3. How was the survey conducted (i.e., online, in person, on phone, etc.)?
  4. What did you think of the experience?
  5. Do you think the survey would be applicable to all groups of people? Why or why not?
  6. Were there any questions that seemed to be biased to you? What were they and why do you think there was bias?
The following is a website that has links to numerous surveys. They are free to take and you will get some general feedback. However, for many of them, to get detailed feedback, you need to pay money. You do not need to pay money for purposes of this exercise. The goal is to experience taking a survey. You do not have to use this link and can find another survey online if you would prefer. Be sure to share the link to the survey you took.
  1. What topic did the survey cover?

The survey was about caregiver job fit (Psychology Today, 2021). It was testing whether the personality traits and skills a person have match with those required for a caregiver. Primarily, it tested the interpersonal skills that match with role of a caregiver.

  1. How long did the survey take?

The survey took about 30 minutes…. To continue reading, click on the purchase button below

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